Sunday, May 19, 2013

Shearing Day

I am posting a few pictures from yesterday when we sheared our small flock which is a motley crew of corriedales and a mix finn/babydoll breed.

This is Thorin, a corriedale awaiting shearing.  He is our big guy and is not very happy to be in a small pen.

And here he is on the left, also not very happy after what he just went through.  (they do recover quickly)

Below are my finn/babiedolls.  The darker one, Belladonna, is the mama of the white ones, Pippin and Merry.

Here they are after their very first haircut. (they were one year old last month).  I am very interested in how their wool will felt.  Babydoll's fleece is not that great for wet felting, however, I am hoping that the finn in them will counteract that.